SaskTel — Cloud PVR

With Cloud PVR from SaskTel you can watch recorded shows at home… or on the go.

Play Creative


The Phoenix Group

Production Notes

Light, bright, and airy was the art direction for this commercial. We needed locations with depth in order to have enough space for the clouds to fill the room. In order to pull this off in one day we started off at the airport for the first scene, followed by two scenes at our studio. In studio C we created a gym to showcase our athlete watching a SaskTel PVR show while getting a cardio workout in. The living room set was built in our Studio B by adding a flat (set wall) perpendicular to an existing wall to our studio. The flat included a fake window which allowed us to add “sunlight” while filming indoors. Once approved, the commercial was sent to get our beautifully rendered coloured clouds put in place.


Impaired 2022